A Smattering of Selenium #69
In honor of this edition I provide… …in which I also date myself.
In honor of this edition I provide…
…in which I also date myself.
- CITCon is another one of those conferences I should go to but haven’t. Yet! 7 continuous integration ideas from CITCon is a quick list from the most recent iteration.
- Testing Facebook authentication with Rails 3 Cucumber, Capybara, Selenium has a nice little trick to get Facebook to authenticate back to your Rails stack.
- pennyworth is a ‘continuous packaging system’ which seems like an interesting description.
- Acceptance Tests With JBehave, Selenium & Page Objects. We need more examples of how to do Page Objects in ways that align with the runner’s model of the world.
- When to Wait with Webdriver walks through getting synchronization working. I like that implicit waits are just a middle step.
- Using WebDriver, jBehave to test dynamic web forms seemed like overkill at first, but on more careful reading is pretty clever.
- I’ve been thinking about Code Kata’s recently, and here is a Code Kata with DDT in JUnit. We need, as a community, to come up with some of these for Se.
- In somewhat sad news, Bromine which is [was] powered by Se is ending development
- Orders of Magnitude in Test Automation proposes some smell tests to determine if you are overly heavy in one type of automation or another
- Want to make a Python decorator but feel you might be inventing the wheel? PythonDecoratorLibrary [currently] lists 31 different decorator implementations so you don’t actually have to reinvent that wheel. Unless you want to of course…