A Smattering of Selenium #52
Welcome to the Canada Day edition of the less-than-weekly-now collection of Selenium / Automation links that is the Smattering of Selenium.
Welcome to the Canada Day edition of the less-than-weekly-now collection of Selenium / Automation links that is the Smattering of Selenium.
- Selenium Advanced User Interactions illustrates how this new API (which is part of WebDriver) can use used to do things like drag-and-drop on Canvas elements.
- Things you (probably) didn’t know about xargs is one of those things to keep tucked away in your toolbox. Especially if you find yourself having to shell out in your scripts.
- Sapphire is yet another Ruby framework. Yet again aiming at non-technical resources. Though I am sure he meant ‘people’.
- Se-IDE 1.0.12 has been available on the website for a bit and is being pushed out to everyone this weekend. Samit has a summary of the changes
- Automated Testing of RichFaces Components with Selenium is a nice Maven example including how to deal with complex AJAX calls
- The Tests are Broken, Now What? explains a method in the C# world of dealing with flaky scripts
- A Python Decorator to Mark Nose Tests as Work in Progress
- Advice on starting browser-based automation is a pretty decent list — even if it does need to breaks between points.
- JavaScript alerts in Selenium 2, webdriver and capybara”> looks like it was good before, and better with the help of some feedback
- Headless Selenium WebDriver Tests using PyVirtualDisplay
- Python – Selenium WebDriver – Capture Screenshot
- Inspecting XPath Expressions and CSS Selectors using Firefox/Chrome via Firebug or the console
- Selenium IDE Plug-in for InfoStretch Framework includes a formatter for their tool as well as a bunch of other extensions.
- The ClasspathSuite modifies how JUnit 4 finds what scripts it will run.
- Selenium-Specs is an Se-IDE formatter for Scala / Spec2
- Acceptance testing a CherryPy application with Robot Framework (and Selenium)
- I’m starting to think that Selenium needs a curated Recipe site; The Makings of a Great Python Cookbook Recipe is an example of what I think we need
- Selenium 2 Chrome Switches via ChromeDriver for all your toggle-ing needs
- Test Maintenance; Or, The Third Era of Programmer Testing postulates that script maintenance is on the verge of an evolution